Felicidad y reducción de la pobreza en México
hapiness, well being, social policiesAbstract
Within the framework of the report on the reduction of multidimensional poverty in Mexico, it is also necessary to emphasize the country's progress on the happiness list of the 2024 World Happiness Report. To do this, a sociohistorical and conceptual tour of the happiness in the world, as well as the relationship between poverty reduction and happiness. Different contemporary critical perspectives are presented as well as classic theoretical approaches in charge of the phenomenon of happiness in the world and Mexico. Objectives: Show the relationship between the social investment of the Mexican government's Wellbeing programs and the country's progress in the lists of the 2004 World Happiness report. Results: An r= 0.66 and an R2= 0.435 were found, which demonstrates a moderate relationship between the increase in the perception of happiness and the Wellbeing programs of the Mexican government and a high total explained variance accumulated in a single variable.
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