Women, gender and Social Work: possibilities and impossibilities in the management for development in Mexico. XXI century


  • Martha Gálvez Landeros Erika M. Ramírez Diez María Elena Chávez García


Gender, Women, Social Work, Feminization, Profession


The study is presented, outlines a social investigation that has just begun on Mexican women, Social Work and the theory of gender as an interpretive framework. The projected study aims to account at the time, on the double position of women social workers in Mexico, as recipients of possible social programs that utopianly alleviate their vulnerability and as well, as professionals in a helping profession that involves their collaboration in personal-social development of users of their services. The approach presents several premises. First, the social work has been generated and developed mainly by women. Second, the feminization of the profession linked to the socialization of gender in actions such as aid and endless working hours, which while invisible, are not valued, are not paid for and culturally continue to be attributed to women within patriarchal structures. Third, the individual - professional positions of women social workers, and their readings regarding their professional practice. The epistemological distances between the theory and practice of Social Work are discussed too. Likewise, the antecedents that guided the design of the research are presented, followed by the basic methodological aspects by which the study will be conducted. Emphasis is placed on the beginnings of field work carried out at the beginning of 2020, and which have been paused due to the outbreak of the COVID 19 pandemic. The first interpretations of the data from the interviews are deepened carried out and the questionnaires applied as a pilot test. The axis that was investigated was called Self-Image. Woman-Social Worker, his objective was to explore ideological, professional and gender positions, from where Social Work services are intervened or managed. Some of the data generated and its incipient analyzes are presented. It concludes with reflections on the reproduction of gender inequalities also in the profession of Social Work, eminently made up of women.


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How to Cite

Martha Gálvez Landeros Erika M. Ramírez Diez María Elena Chávez García. (2022). Women, gender and Social Work: possibilities and impossibilities in the management for development in Mexico. XXI century. Perspectivas Sociales, 23(2), 29–52. Retrieved from https://perspectivassociales.uanl.mx/index.php/pers/article/view/159

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