Aesthetics and implications in the erotic management of older women


  • Perla Vanessa de los Santos Amaya Concepción Arroyo Rueda Lizzett Arreola Heynez


Old age, Aesthetics, Body, Eroticism, Management


The objective of this study was to explore the social meanings of aesthetics in old age and its implications in the sex-erotic management of older women in the Monterrey Metropolitan Area, Nuevo León. As a methodological route, a qualitative
approach was followed by conducting in-depth interviews with 18 women between 60 and 79 years of age, from which a non-probabilistic sample of intentional cutting was integrated in elderly people residing in municipalities of the Metropolitan Area of Monterrey, Nuevo León, as they were Escobedo, Santa Catarina, San Nicolás de los Garza, Monterrey, San Pedro and Guadalupe. Among the main findings it is observed that there are projects of sexual and erotic management among older women that are related to the idea of a spiritual, demure, and discretionary old age, referents that are related to age and generic discourses of their social context. In addition, there is a resistance to undertaking body projects that involve the technologization of their bodies despite discontent with him. With what is concluded that for older people there are greater burdens of sense of old age that excludes them from aesthetic hegemonic models, and which in turn affects the forgetting of their pleasure, eroticism, and enjoyment in this stage of life.


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How to Cite

Perla Vanessa de los Santos Amaya Concepción Arroyo Rueda Lizzett Arreola Heynez. (2022). Aesthetics and implications in the erotic management of older women. Perspectivas Sociales, 23(1), 75–94. Retrieved from